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Effective Birds Removal Treatment

Guaranteed protection of Dubai homes, hotels and businesses from birds
We are Dubai municipality approved company, providing pest removal & control service to compliant to health and safety standards . We only use approved tools and methods to over come birds infection and health & safety & environment protection is our first priority .

Bird removal and exclusion

Bird removal and exclusion services are essential for mitigating bird infestations in residential and commercial spaces. These professional solutions begin with a meticulous assessment of the bird species involved and their nesting locations. A tailored strategy is then crafted, incorporating humane bird removal methods and the installation of deterrents such as spikes, netting, and scare devices to prevent re-infestation. Regular maintenance ensures the continued effectiveness of these measures, while proper cleanup and exclusion techniques seal entry points and eliminate health risks associated with bird droppings. By adhering to local regulations and providing comprehensive documentation, these services offer a safe, ethical, and long-term solution to maintain a bird-free environment.

Bird Proofing And Netting

Bird Proofing and Netting services are designed to safeguard properties from avian intrusions, ensuring a clean and safe environment. This comprehensive solution involves the installation of bird netting, spikes, or exclusion devices to deter birds from roosting or nesting in unwanted areas. Bird netting is a highly effective method for keeping birds out while allowing sunlight and ventilation. It serves as a humane and long-term solution that prevents damage to buildings, equipment, and health risks associated with bird droppings. Professional bird proofing and netting services help maintain the integrity of structures and protect against the nuisance of pest birds in a responsible and sustainable manner.

Bird Waste Cleanup

Bird Waste Cleanup services are essential for maintaining a hygienic and safe environment, particularly in areas affected by bird infestations. These specialized services involve the thorough cleaning and sanitization of surfaces contaminated with bird droppings. Bird waste can carry diseases and pose health risks, making proper cleanup vital. Professionals employ safe and efficient methods to remove droppings, feathers, and nesting materials. After cleanup, disinfection is carried out to eliminate any lingering contaminants. These services help protect the well-being of residents and maintain the appearance and cleanliness of the affected areas, ensuring a pest-free and healthy environment.

Humane Bird Control

Humane Bird Control services are dedicated to addressing avian infestations with a strong emphasis on ethical and compassionate practices. These services prioritize the well-being of birds while mitigating the impact of their presence in unwanted areas. Humane bird control methods may involve the safe capture and relocation of birds, installation of non-lethal deterrents like spikes, netting, and visual scare devices, and the sealing of entry points to prevent re-infestation. By adhering to ethical standards and local regulations, these services ensure the humane treatment of birds and offer a sustainable, long-term solution to keep properties bird-free. They strike a balance between protecting the environment and maintaining a pest-free space.

Consultation And Assessment

Consultation and Assessment services are the foundation of effective pest management. Highly trained professionals provide thorough inspections to evaluate the extent of pest infestations and identify contributing factors. These services offer tailored recommendations and strategies based on the specific pest issues and property characteristics. They play a crucial role in developing a comprehensive and cost-effective pest management plan. Consultations also include educating property owners and managers on pest behavior, prevention measures, and maintenance strategies to minimize future infestations. By providing valuable insights and expert guidance, Consultation and Assessment services empower clients to make informed decisions and maintain a pest-free environment.

Ongoing Bird Management

Ongoing Bird Management services are essential for maintaining a pest-free environment in the face of recurring avian challenges. These services provide continued oversight and maintenance of bird deterrents and exclusion measures to ensure their ongoing effectiveness. Regular inspections, cleanups, and repairs are conducted to address any issues and make necessary adjustments. Ongoing Bird Management ensures that bird control measures remain in optimal condition, preventing re-infestations and property damage. By providing consistent care and vigilance, these services offer a sustainable, long-term solution for properties, promoting cleanliness and safety while protecting against the nuisance of pest birds.


We provide mosquitoes control service to all residential and commercial clients. Our most used services are:

24 Hour Service

Ready to take on pest 24/7

Health & Safety

Health safe for both humans & pets


Approved from Dubai Municipality

Pest Controls Dubai